Digital Inclusion Evaluation Toolkit
This toolkit explores the steps that any community group or organisation could take in order to evaluate
the impact of a digital inclusion project, or pieces of digital inclusion activity. It looks at what evaluation
is and why it’s helpful for digital inclusion, what the principles of good evaluation are, and it explores the
basic building blocks needed for evaluating digital inclusion work. This toolkit shares some examples
resources and case studies, alongside tips for analysing your data.
Additional Resources
Case Studies:
Digital Communities Wales Training Registration Forms
Evaluation Design and Theory of Change:
Range of resources and guidance on impact measurement and evaluation from Small Charities Coalition
NCVO guidance on Theory of Change
NPC Ten Steps to Creating a Theory of Change
Digital Inclusion Evaluation:
Digital Inclusion Toolkit evaluation guide
Case example of evaluation of 100% Digital Leeds programme Digital Inclusion Evaluation Toolkit (from 2017)
One Digital’s Guidance on Evaluating a Digital Champions Project
Sources of Data on Demographics and Digital Exclusion and / or Internet Use:
Lloyds Essential Digital Skills Data Tables, 2023
National Survey for Wales, 2022/23
Ethnic identity: ONS recommend five high level groups for capturing ethnicity
Gender: in the 2021 Census there was a question about sex (2 response options: male / female) and an optional additional question about gender identity (“is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?”; 8 response options). You might want to consider combining these questions, or give people the option to provide a different response other than male / female.
Disability: in the 2021 Census, disability was asked as “Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?” (2 response options: yes / no).
Age: you can ask for date of birth or ask people to select their age from groups, eg the 10-year groups used in the 2022/23 National Survey for Wales 16 – 24; 25 – 34; 35 – 44 etc.