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Digital inclusion progress report: towards a digitally confident Wales (Welsh Government, March 2022)

This report outlines what Welsh Government has done since December 2020 to help more people confidently engage with digital technology.

report front cover

This Progress Report will outline Welsh Government work to date in addressing the priorities outlined in the Digital Inclusion forward look to tackle digital exclusion. The work includes examples of policy and programme delivery interventions in each of the 6 areas of focus within the Forward Look, over the past 12 months since publication in December 2020. We also describe the challenges faced progressing certain areas of focus and how, despite the challenges, they have improved their understanding of the impact of digital exclusion on Welsh communities.

Read the report [opens in new window]

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The Welsh Government are committed to delivering against Mission 2 of our Digital Strategy for Wales, which is now our digital inclusion policy and strategy position for the next five years.


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Digital inclusion is recognised as a critical social justice and equalities challenge. Through the Digital Strategy for Wales, a programme for Government commitment, we will continue to work to ensure the actions set out in the Digital Strategy Delivery Plan are delivered upon.
