Get the Vale Online
Get the Vale Online’s partnership shows how collaboration between local organisations has helped communities across the Vale of Glamorgan to stay connected - and how this approach could help other organisations support people to get online.
Get the Vale Online (GTVO) is a partnership that brings together local organisations interested in championing digital inclusion in the community. Partners include Digital Communities Wales, Newydd Housing Association, Vale Homes, Vale Libraries, Adult Community Learning, and various departments from the Local Authority. The group works collaboratively to bring together like-minded organisations who want to support the digital inclusion agenda and recognise the importance of supporting people within the Vale to ensure they have the digital skills, confidence, and access to get online. By working together, the partnership recognises that collaboration is key to success.
It’s about having that open space to come up with solutions or signpost to those who can. Not any one person or organisation has all the answers, and by coming together we can better support the people who need these services. We’re growing a community of digital leaders, and our work wouldn't be so successful without each organisations’ support.
Scott Tandy
We are also working towards signing the Digital Communities Wales Digital Inclusion Charter and achieving the accreditation, so we have real corporate buy in, and we’re excited about the next stages in our journey in digital inclusion in the Vale.
Scott Tandy