Hwb Heroes
Over the lockdown period, young people across Wales have stepped up to share amazing artwork and messages with vulnerable people in the community
Towards the beginning of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak, when schools in Wales first closed, we partnered with Hwb and called for children and young people to become Hwb Heroes. This partnership was designed to help younger people and older people connect during the pandemic through the creation of messages to share with older and more vulnerable people across Wales.
We were thrilled to receive over 1,000 submissions from children and young people in Wales, providing thoughtful and supportive messages for those most in need. We received drawings, poems, stories, songs and dances, which have been shared with care settings across Wales.
Do you work in a hospital, hospice or care setting in Wales?
We want these performances and images to continue to be shared with people who may feel lonely or isolated.
We’ve gathered a number of the performances on a dedicated YouTube channel for you to share with the people you support:
You can view all submitted work by visiting the Hwb website.
If you’d like to share reactions to the posts tag in @DC_Wales and we will re-tweet. Alternatively, send your comments, videos or reactions to us through our contact page and we will share them on our social media channels.
Thank you Hwb Heroes
This initiative wouldn’t have been possible without the enthusiasm and support of the schools and pupils, thank you.