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About Digital Communities Wales

Digital Communities Wales: Digital Confidence, Health and Well-being exists to reduce digital exclusion in Wales. We want a Wales where everyone has the skills, access and motivation to be a confident user of digital technology.

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A photograph of a woman sat down at a desk using a desktop computer. Standing over her is a female Digital Champion, who is pointing at the screen.

Who delivers Digital Communities Wales?

DCW is a Welsh Government funded programme which is delivered by Cwmpas in partnership with the Good Things Foundation programme began in 2019 and will run until June 2025.

The focus and aim of DCW from April 1st, 2024 – 30th June 2025 is to embed and mainstream digital inclusion within identified thematic areas ensuring ownership of digital inclusion.


Cwmpas (formerly Wales Co-operative Centre) has been delivering digital inclusion programmes in Wales since 2005 (including Communities @One and Communities 2.0) with the aim of providing people with the skills and confidence to feel more included and to take more control of their own lives.

We work alongside communities on the issues that matter to them. By doing so we want to change the way that society works, so that people and communities no longer feel left behind.

Good Things Foundation

The Good Things Foundation manages a network of Digital Inclusion Hubs (formerly known as UK Online Centres) where people can use a computer and get support to develop basic digital skills. Click here to view the services available at a Hub near you. It also publishes digital learning resources on the Learn My Way platform and leads on the national UK campaign, Get Online Week.

Our objectives

  • Health – Digitally included and empowered citizens
  • Health – A workforce who are confidence in using digital technology to enable safe, efficient, quality care
  • Social Care – A workforce who are confidence in using digital technology to enable safe, efficient, quality care
  • Social Housing – Digitally confident workforce who are able to support tenants
  • Older People – An older population who are confident in accessing information and public services online
  • Ethnic Minority Communities – Provide diverse communities with the capabilities, opportunities and motivations to engage fully from online services and digital technology
  • Ethnic Minority Communities – Provide Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities with the capabilities, opportunities and motivations to engage fully from online services and digital technology

Who do we work with?

Our support is free is and covers a range of different thematic areas: Health, Social Care, Social Housing, Older People, Ethnic Minority Communities, and Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities.

We are here to work with organisations within these thematic areas to support them to embed digital inclusion, ensuring ownership and collective resilience.

We know that the best way to reach communities experiencing digital exclusion is to work with the trusted faces and organisations that directly support them. Our support will reflect this as we work with organisations to ensure their staff and volunteers have the necessary skills to support others.

Now, more than ever, it is crucial that digital inclusion is embedded into, mainstreamed and owned by organisations and communities across Wales. Digital inclusion is not one organisation’s responsibility, and it cannot be championed by one programme alone. It requires collaboration, cooperation, and commitment by various stakeholders, working together, so we can create a digitally inclusive nation in Wales that benefits everyone and leaves no one behind.

More on Digital Communities Wales