Priority 5: Setting a new minimum digital living standard and adopting co-production approaches
There is an opportunity to use co-design and citizen engagement tools and a cross-sector approach to lead the world in establishing a ‘Minimum Digital Living Standard for Wales’ - an agreed standard of what it is to be digitally included in modern Wales, aligned with our national Well-being Goals.
The DIAW Steering Group are going to take action to help achieve outcomes for this priority.
We are working with Welsh Government and partners on the scoping work for the development of a minimum digital living standard for Wales.
We will share with the wider network LOTI, Digital Exclusion Risk Index and Digital Youth Index work and look for opportunities to produce similar in Wales.
We will promote activities ongoing with other bodies to help join the dots on service access.
We will help the Office of Future Generations and Public Service Boards and other programmes with awareness.
We will promote models of financials that support iteration and co-production methods.
The DIAW Network should help to promote activities already on-going across silos/sectors.
Digital Inclusion Alliance Wales Network Meeting on Priority 5
The DIAW’s Agenda for Digital Inclusion has key outcomes for this priority:
All sectors make greater efforts to engage under-represented groups facing digital exclusion.
The lived experience of digital exclusion is heard in policymaking processes.
Co-production with citizens in policy design and service implementation is embedded across all services and sectors.
Co-produced research to explore a ‘minimum digital living standard for Wales’ is undertaken by key bodies with the power to bring about change.
A Welsh Citizens’ Assembly is established that supports digital inclusion and is inclusive by design.